There are numerous ways to learn more about refugees in our communities, to support refugee children and families, and to advocate for public policies that increase our capacity to welcome refugees. Check out some of what’s available below, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or ideas.

Refuge Lansing

is a storytelling project celebrating decades of refugee resettlement in mid-Michigan. It includes beautiful photos and first hand stories about families who have fled violence and persecution in their home countries and are now an integral part of the Lansing region.

The project is available as a book and as an exhibit that you can host in your church, mosque, synagogue, work place, or event location. More information is available here.

Contributions of Refugees

Refugees enrich our community in a variety of waves. Not least of these is economic. Some may think of refugees as only using public resources, but in fact, refugees give back much more than they receive.
Use the handout below to help your faith community understand how important refugees are to Michigan.

World Refugee Awareness Week

was June 15 – 21, 2019
AFAR put together a toolbox for religious communities that can be used any time of the year:

All Faith Alliance for Refugees